Concert Programs & Recordings From 2023-24
A concert program provides the opportunity to tell people things they may not have known about the works and composers we've selected. And with our online versions, we can include much more, as well as providing scores for audiences to follow along with.
December 7th, 2024:
Every Season is Joyful When You Sing:
A Bel Canto Christmas
In between sets of seasonally-inspired works spanning Praetorius to Mealor, the choir invited the audience to join with them in singing some well-known Christmas favorites. A truly warm concert for a cold winter's night!
May 4th, 2024:
"Without a Net" - an a cappella journey through
five decades of performance
To celebrate our fiftieth year, our director Kathrin delved into the choir's extensive library, and put together a wonderful night featuring music from concerts given in each decade of the choir's storied history.
December 2nd, 2023:
Charpentier's Christmas Masterpiece:
Messe de minuit pour Noël
Accompanied by the wonderful Elm City String Quartet, Bel Canto presented Charpentier's unique marriage of folk tradition and the Midnight Mass.